Establishing an Online Marketplace for Trainers and Trainees


2024-08-01Muharram 26, 1446 -- 2024-11-01Rabi' al-Thani 29, 1446
Score: 1 / 4

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    • Khalil Abdul-Rahman
      2024-08-04Muharram 29, 1446 at 17:33
      Course of action: Build trust in local community trainers

      To attract the kinds of trainers and trainees that can sustain our efforts, we need to build a core of trainers who we can depend on.

      From this core we can try to help them connect with trainees who could... (Read More)

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      Adamu Iliyasu
      2024-08-18Safar 13, 1446 at 11:56

      Also, Trainers should take the time to build relationships with community members beyond the formal training sessions. Engaging in informal conversations, participating in local events, and being visible in the community can strengthen these bonds.

      Muslim Mahmood
      2024-08-07Safar 02, 1446 at 06:41

      I considered providing a background knowledge of what ShuraForAll Nigeria is all about and its potential application to our real-life situations. Essentially, pitching for ShuraForAll Nigeria as a Design System Service providing the platform and tools.

      Khalil Abdul-Rahman
      2024-08-06Safar 01, 1446 at 10:30

      Yes, our interaction with trainers to help them apply this approach is essential. I suggest each of us use the Invite function of this shura to invite as many potential trainers to this... (Read More)

      Maryam Maishanu
      2024-08-06Safar 01, 1446 at 09:57

      I concur with this approach.  Yet I haven't yet fully grasped the concept of how the Shura approach can be adapted in the classroom. We may need to go a step ahead to help trainers to... (Read More)

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